Puttering...puttering around, a round of golf? I can do that. I've got the natural swing, the big boomer, the slice and dice, and the hook. Golf is God's invention, I've thought so for a very long time. It's his idea of humbling us, putting us to task around patience, acceptance of our less than perfect performance, and our acceptance of others, even of those with bad manners on the links.
God plays nearly perfect golf. How dare He? He plays at will. He plays in paradise where there's sun everyday, the greens are in perfect condition and watered nightly when he remembers to turn on the big spigot in the sky. His golf clubs are clean and at the ready. Partners show up one at a time or in threesomes to complete the foursome. There's no reserving when you're playing with God. Tee time is in his time. Our job is to show up; play like we mean it, work at it daily, breathe deeply, ask for forgiveness when we curse ourselves for a lousy shot, keep our eye on the ball at all times, and remember to replace our divots.
Jill Butler
author/ Illustrator
Create the Space You Deserve
plus three illustrated France travel guides
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