Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Yoga Gardening

stretching ~ warming up, getting in tune, that's what needs to happen.......
s t r e t c h i n g..........pull out the tightness, the cramps, the burning 
back and get back to the garden for more.

This time breathe.  Take time not to attack the garden but rather to move with it.  
Jumping from one task to another is not flow. It is raggged lurching.  
Do I really think the weeds will go away if I attack?  If only.

Perhaps I can make friends with the garden (and the weeds) with intentional effort, with an attitude of enjoyment, not accomplishment.  Gardening calls for tuning my mind to conscious breathing, in and out, in and out.  One stretch, one decided movement at a time takes me around the garden with peaceful pleasure. I experience the garden. I notice nature creating its' magnificient display right here in my backyard, one stretch at a time.

author, illustrator of
Create the Space you Deserve
pub. date:  July 2008 


Sandy said...

Oh I agree, weeds are well entrenched in CT - and some of them are so lovely, why do we not incorporate some of them. And yes it is aerobic to weed but exhausting and never DONE :-)
Thanks for this link, I will stop by Often!!
Sandy in Guilford

Timaree said...

I enjoyed reading all your posts. I adore all your colorful people. I'll bet they don't live in beige houses with terra cotta roofs in neighborhoods with association rules!