If life just took care of itself I wouldn't have to get up in the morning and putting the coffee on, would take care of itself. It's the getting started that's always the most difficult.
Living and life, don't get started until I do. I have to trick myself to get going in ways that feel fun. Take this blog. I've put off starting since last December. So what's the carrot that got me here?
I thought about how much I love to write. So the trick was just write about how hard it is to start something especially when it's new.
I'm often 'accused' of having a lot to say. For starters, I write what Julia Cameron, the author of The Artist's Way, calls "morning pages". MP's get me out of bed. Writing "morning pages" are like having a friend to complain to, a place to work out a knotty relationship, complain about the weather or the nuts and bolds of a project that's stalled. You get the idea.
MP's are good because they don't wear out your friends who 'have' to listen, clients who don't really want to hear it, and lovers who'd rather be doing other things.
So, getting started gets primed by my getting out on paper what's bugging me...about me. Now I can get on with the living and this blogging thing is fun. jb
Jill Butler
Author of Create the Space You Deserve
Creator of JillsBirds'nWords TM
1 comment:
Well I am very glad you started, and hope you continue and will pass on your blog to likewise minded.
Sandy in Guilford(again)
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