So what makes a towel decorative? We're in his kitchen, and my guy says with a growl,
"don't use that towel." I look at it and ask? "Why not?" His response, "It's decorative."
"O.K." It's navy blue with a scroll design edge. It's a weighty cotton, ribbed and looks, at least to me, to be perfectly suitable for hand wiping. I wasn't considering it for cleaning up the floor or even the counter. The snap in his voice made it clear; stand back, how dare you dare to use that towel? It's hanging on what I thought was the ready position on the drawer pull (not knob).
Being the textile designer I am, I might have known it was decorative. The fact that he knew was what amused and pleased me.
So when I next aquaint myself with this decorative towel, I will have a deeper respect for it. Might even suggest it take a trip through the washing machine inorder to brighten up the color and accent its' truly decorative nature. Perhaps I should give a gift of some kitchen towels I've designed. This way I'll be on safer ground with towels that have no restrictions as to useage and are in fact signed by me. This way I'm less likely to fall into this faxu pas once again. Of course, there will be other mistaken moves to be experienced, aren't there always? So stay tuned.
Jill Butler
The JB Collection: www.jillbutler.com
author, illustrator, designer
Create the Space You Deserve